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Highway 7 west of Guelph closed for serious collision Wednesday (UPDATE: reopened)

Crash happened around 1 p.m. at the intersection of Highway 7 and County Road 32
Ontario Provincial Police

(GUELPH-ERAMOSA) – Wellington County OPP are on scene of a two-vehicle collision just west of Guelph.

OPP report that around 1 p.m. they were dispatched and are currently on scene at the intersection of Highway 7 and Wellington Road 32 in Guelph-Eramosa Township. That's the set of lights just west of Guelph after Woodlawn Road turns into Highway 7 on the way to Kitchener.

The intersection will be closed for the next few hours while emergency crews are on scene.

Updates will be provided as they become available. The public is asked to please avoid the area.