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Proposed Arthur apartment building draws some concerns

Building would be four storeys, with 55 to 59 units, behind a row of houses in Arthur

ARTHUR — Arthur could be growing up if a proposal for a new apartment complex is approved.

But not everyone is thrilled with the idea.

Heather Hayes, whose property borders on the location of the future building, spoke at the Wellington North council’s public meeting on the application Tuesday afternoon meeting through Zoom. 

Hayes asked questions and raised concerns about the future development, an apartment building of four storeys and up to 59 units at 152 Frederick St. W.

The height of the building, unusual, for Arthur, was a concern for Hayes.

“I’m wondering if we could look at three storeys versus four, somehow change the layout that way.”

Hayes also is not sure if there will be sufficient parking for the number of people living in the proposed building.

“Parking is a bit of a concern. Because at one point, five units allotted for parking. I’m not sure, few people can get around these days without a vehicle. And at 55, 59 units, I think more parking might be necessary, I don’t know.”

She also worried about the safety and overall functioning of traffic in the general area around the apartment building.

“And of course the biggest piece right now for us is the traffic. The farm equipment that goes up and down that road, while it’s not moving fast, it sounds like it’s moving fast. When you add more traffic to that, I think that could be a problem. I know that to the right of my house, Melissa was hit a few years ago, and had asked for traffic studies on that particular road. So my question is, how will we deal with that piece? And has the traffic study been done?”

The building will have one entrance for vehicles. Hayes suggested that if that entrance is blocked, emergency services may face a challenge getting to the building for an emergency.

“And the last piece is, is it possible to consider an entrance off six? I know a lot of the stuff will be decided later. But I’m putting it on the table now for consideration. But it does concern me. I have sat on a fire board before, and with only one entrance, into 55, 59 units, I would hate for something to happen at that unit or that entrance and then not have access for emergency vehicles to access that property.”

Shawn William Cook, whose property borders against the proposed development site, had several written concerns and objections related to the proposed apartment building. For example, the apartment building would change the feel of his back yard.

“Building a high density apartment will effect the personal enjoyment of my property as it will be directly in my back yard.”

Other nearby residents, Eden and Garrid Schlueter, are skeptical that the local infrastructure can support the growth in population through the apartment building.

“Concerned the Arthur infrastructure cannot handle a development of this size, especially with all the new development across town,” said their written submission to council.

The proposal will come back to council with staff recommendation and for decision at a later date.

Jesse Gault is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.


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