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Scottish festival saw 23,000 attendees this year, say organizers

Next year will be the festival's 80th anniversary
Caber toss brought out a big crowd Saturday morning at the Fergus Scottish Festival.

FERGUS – Organizers are calling the recent Scottish festival a huge success that saw scores of visitors attend throughout the weekend. 

A press release from the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games said it had 23,000 visitors from Aug. 9 to 11 to take in the many attractions including the Tattoo’d in Tradition ceremony, the Highland games, clan displays, live music and other Scottish fare. 

“We’re thrilled the entire weekend including attendance given the very Scottish weather,” said Elizabeth Bender, executive director of the Scottish festival, in a news release. “Although it had a minor impact, it did not deter guests from joining the festivities. We are incredibly grateful to our volunteers, partners, sponsors and everyone who attended for making the 79th Fergus Scottish Festival another success.”

The release said the team is already planning for next year’s Scottish festival which will be the 80th anniversary year. It will be held Aug. 8 to 10, 2025. 

Announcements and updates can be found online.