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Both school boards switch PA day in April because of solar eclipse

Originally set for April 19, it has been moved to April 8
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Both the Upper Grand District School Board and the Wellington Catholic District School Board have decided to switch a professional activity day in April because of the total solar eclipse.

The PA day originally scheduled for Friday, April 19, will now be on Monday, April 8.

"The decision to reschedule the PA Day is due to potential safety and supervision concerns related to a rare total solar eclipse, set to occur during school dismissal hours," said a joint news release issued by the school boards on Tuesday night.

Parents were notified via email on Tuesday.

"We are making this adjustment due to potential safety and supervision concerns related to a rare total solar eclipse which is set to occur during the dismissal hours of our schools, and when students would be traveling home on that day," said the email. The boards consulted with Wellington Duffering Guelph Public Health, "considering all options prior to making this change."“The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority,” said WCDSB director of education Michael Glazier in the release. “After reviewing the timing of this event, which will peak at the time of dismissal and while students are travelling home, and considering the potential risks to students and level of supervision of children at that time, the decision was made to move the April Professional Activity Day.”

“This rare event offers a great opportunity for learning with students,” added UGDSB director of education Peter Sovran. “We will continue to work with the Ministry of Education and our local public health unit to provide safety education and learning opportunities about the eclipse in the lead up to the event.”