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Ag societies join forces for community breakfast event celebrating local food

The drive-thru $2 breakfast event is being held at the Grand River Raceway parking lot on July 31
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Local agricultural societies are working together this year on a community breakfast to highlight the great local foods for Food Day Canada. 

The Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) and Fergus Agricultural Society (FAS) have teamed up to bring a breakfast from the farm experience similar to events held by FAS in the past.

Katie Giddy, spokesperson for GRAS, explained they wanted to hold a celebration for Food Day Canada July 31 but would need to shift due to the changing regulations around COVID.

When FAS announced they would have to cancel the usual Breakfast at the Farm for a second year in a row around the same time, Giddy said they decided to partner in the spirit of the late Anita Stewart — a local community member considered to be the visionary behind Food Day Canada.

“One thing that Anita dreamed of was, it was about having all areas of the ag sector and food sector work together,” Giddy said. “We thought ‘what better than coming together for breakfast from the farm.’”

The partnership works out well, Giddy explained, as FAS has a large volunteer base meanwhile GRAS can provide the space at the Grand River Raceway parking lot and kitchen at the new event centre. 

The breakfast will consist of a sandwich, milk and fruit for $2 with all products sourced from companies and farms in the local community. 

All revenue from the event is going to the FAS.

“I think the importance of Food Day Canada is really just celebrating all of the amazing products we have access to right inside our own country,” Giddy said, highlighting Wellington County as a strong example of this. 

“We have such an incredible food basket that’s accessible to us and I don’t always think as a general consumer that we stop and we realize what’s grown here right inside our own borders.”

The drive-thru event runs from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on July 31 at the Grand River Raceway parking lot.


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