EloraFergusToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Brad Foell, in response to Centre Wellington parks being used to dump household garbage:
I am responding to an article that appeared on February 25 of The Elora-Fergus Express; which was regarding ‘Centre Wellington Parks used to dump household garbage’.
This selfish act disturbs me to no end; in that it adds a burden to the township’s budget. Guess what folks the possibility of increased taxes.
I did a quick Google search; and learned that road side dumping is considered a crime. According to our local Crime Stoppers road side dumping is a crime so make the call if you witness this activity 1-800-222-TIPS.
Our local county and township have by-law fines as well. It wouldn’t hurt to call the township /county by-law as well. Send a message to these selfish dorks.
Brad Foell