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Community steps up to replace Elora man's essential scooter

A fundraiser has raised over $7,000 to get an 81-year-old Elora man a new mobility scooter after his last one was destroyed after being hit by a truck

ELORA – When Victor Dockrell was hit by a truck in downtown Elora over the summer, he was more than injured: he also lost his lifeline when his mobility scooter was destroyed. 

Now, his granddaughter is feeling grateful as thousands have given cash donations to get him a new set of wheels. 

“I was not expecting anything, I’m just amazed how the community helped,” said Amy Kavanagh, Dockrell’s granddaughter who started the GoFundMe. 

As of Tuesday afternoon, the GoFundMe has raised $7,250, surpassing the original goal of $7,000. Kavanagh has raised the goal slightly to $8,000 to account for taxes and the need for a higher quality scooter he can also use in the winter.

The fundraiser recently received a nearly $3,000 anonymous donation and a few $500 anonymous ones as well. 

“GoFundMe phoned because they wanted to confirm that large donation, but it was a true donation so it was wonderful,” Kavanagh said. 

It was July 18 around 1:30 p.m. when Dockrell, an 81-year-old veteran, was struck and run over by a pickup truck while on his mobility scooter at the corner of Metcalfe Street and East Mill Street waiting for a light to change. 

Kavanagh said the driver took a sharp turn without stopping and ended up tipping and running over the scooter which trapped Dockrell, pinning his leg. The driver, who Kavanagh said was a newer and younger driver, stayed at the scene and got a citation for an illegal turn. 

His scooter which was just bought in May was destroyed.

Kavanagh said her grandfather is unable to drive anymore or walk very far and needs the scooter for his independence. He’s also faced some health complications recently from the incident and is not at his full energy level.

“A scooter is his lifeline, he needs to travel with it to have his freedom to go to the store or to Tim Horton’s to meet up with the boys there after lunchtime,” Kavanagh said. “He goes on the back trails up to Fergus, he’s actually taken his scooter to Guelph if you believe that.”

With the successful GoFundMe, Kavanagh is hopeful she can get her grandfather a new scooter, as he’s been using a loaner for the time being. 

“We weren’t expecting this whatsoever and everyone at the hospital has been wonderful taking care of him there and then just this wonderful community bringing everything together,” she said.

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Keegan Kozolanka

About the Author: Keegan Kozolanka

Keegan Kozolanka is a general assignment reporter for CambridgeToday. Keegan has been working with Village Media for more than five years and his stories have appeared on sites across the company's network.
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