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New mixed-use development to neighbour King Hotel in Palmerston

Council recently approved a minor variance request to facilitate a mixed-use commercial/residential development on King Street

PALMERSTON ‒ The pre-consultation process has begun for a new mixed-use commercial/residential development to neighbour the King Hotel on the edge of town. 

This follows Minto council's approval of a minor variance request, reducing required ground floor commercial use and maintaining existing loading space dimensions to facilitate the proposed mixed-use commercial/residential development on four acres of land at 112 and 122A King Street, locally known as the home of the King Hotel. 

Operating in Palmerston since 1980, the hotel currently has 39 guest rooms as well as two accessory dwelling units. 

"During the pre-consultation process, the owners noted...the rationale for the proposed reduction is that they did not want commercial space in every building, as it would limit providing accessible residential units on the main floor," said staff in the report. "While the proposed dwellings appear more like townhomes from the streetscape and meet the apartment definition for the upper units, to create more accessible units on the ground floor, there will be independent entrances for each of those units." 

In regards to the existing loading space, the owners said buildings will be designed for business and/or professional offices, convenience store and/or places of entertainment that don't require tractor-trailer deliveries. 

"The existing loading spaces on the retained lands...have been used efficiently over the course of the hotel’s operation for laundry and delivery services," said staff in the report. "The owners have confirmed the loading space size is adequate for the use of a hotel as large tractor-trailer combinations are not received at the site."

An updated report will return to council at a later date. 

Isabel Buckmaster is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.


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