PALMERSTON – Staff feels "generally everyone is happy" with the revised proposal to turn the former Robb property on Wellington Road 123 into an industrial park.
Received for information during a council meeting Tuesday evening, the proposed development's revisions will allow the Dobson's of Dobson Brothers Enterprises to go forward with their proposal to build a 9.6-acre parking lot on a 74-acre property at 5924 Wellington Road 123.
Currently operating out of two separate sites on Main Street and King Street, A & B Dobson Sales Ltd. is a used truck and heavy equipment dealer that also sells sea-cans and storage containers.
This decision follows a public meeting in June 2023 where several neighbours shared concerns about the potential for increased traffic, large amounts of dust and stacked sea-cans reducing property values if the development was to go forward.
To address these concerns, the developer is now proposing a 10.5 ft grassed berm along portions of the westerly lot boundaries to address privacy and noise concerns, additional dust suppression provisions and moving the proposed stormwater management pond to the rear of the property.
Staff also intend to limit how high the sea-cans can be stacked.
Isabel Buckmaster is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.