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Local benefactor proposes solution to downtown Elora garbage woes

The pilot project would see Molok dumpsters buried behind the new washrooms being built in downtown Elora

ELORA – Not content with just addressing a shortage of public toilets in the area, a local benefactor is proposing to tackle downtown Elora’s garbage issue as part of the tourism washroom project. 

A report going to council says the same donor paying for the design and construction of a new public washroom facility next to the Tourism Information Centre building on East Mill Street in Elora proposes to include Molok containers. 

Molok containers are a type of dumpster buried in the ground with the report calling them more visually attractive, safer and cleaner than above ground waste bins. There are no underground services at the project location that would impact installation.

The report notes garbage and recycling in Downtown Elora and Fergus can be a challenge because of the volume and lack of space to store it. It says garbage and recycling piles up at pick up locations and is often left out Sunday evening for Tuesday morning pick up because many businesses are not open on Monday.

In this proposed pilot program, the donor of the project Kat Florence would pay for the Moloks to be part of the public washroom project but they would be owned by the township to work with the Elora BIA to establish policy and procedures for using them during this time. 

A redesign to the washroom project sees Moloks installed behind the building at the expense of a smaller courtyard. 

If this Molok pilot project is successful, the report says it may be expanded to Fergus as well.

The construction timeline for the washroom project has been pushed back to spring 2025.

Council will consider approving this project at a Monday council meeting.


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