The Optimist Gods must have been with us! The rain stopped long enough for the Optimist Club of Puslinch annual Santa Claus parade to travel down the streets of Aberfoyle bringing Santa to the kids. Lots of kids smiles and happy parents and grandparents got everyone in the festive mood! The music, floats, clowns, mascots, characters, police, fire and Santa, brought joy and made it a very special afternoon.
Santa Claus was his jolly good self and greeted each of the boys and girls with a big smile, picture and goody bag. Lots of Dear Santa letters were collected, 68 plus. 500 hot dogs, hot chocolate and special Christmas music by the Salvation Army band were enjoyed by all. 147 kgs of food was collected for the Food Bank. Extra proceeds and goody bags were donated to the Adopt a Family Children’s Foundation. Way to go Puslinch!
Thank you to all our sponsors, parade organizers, participants and volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you!
This event is made possible through the generous support of our local businesses, companies, organizations, individuals and community members. Please thank them and support them!
A Change of Pace Restaurant, Aberfoyle Snowmobiles Ltd., Benson Tire, Brennan’s Tire Service Inc., Bryan’s Farm & Industrial Supply, C.K. Vernon Construction, Capital Paving Inc., County of Wellington Roads Dept. Aberfoyle, Dar Max Inc., Dr. Abraham AHO Veterinary Professional Corp., Farley Manufacturing Inc., Great Wall Restaurant, Hammond Power Solutions, Henry Deter, Ken Tosh, Michael’s Mobile Truck & Trailer Repair, Molly Maid, Blue Triton Brands (formerly Nestle Water), North America Construction Ltd., Reefer Sales & Service Inc., Shar-A-Tree Christmas Trees, Township of Puslinch, Township of Puslinch Fire & Roads Depts., Victoria Park East & Valley Golf Clubs, Village Restaurant, Vinnie’s Mr. Fixit Inc., Wall-Custance Funeral Home Ltd., Wellington OPP, Wellington Systems Inc., and all the people that entered floats and participated in the parade.
Merry Christmas! Yours in Optimism!