Hi! My name’s Alison Sandstrom and I’m excited to be starting a new job covering civic issues in Wellington County. I like telling stories that connect people to each other and help them better understand their communities.
Prior to moving here, I spent two years in Prince Albert, Sask. as a radio and web reporter with Pattison Media. Working as a city hall reporter in P.A., I discovered my love of covering municipal government — the level decision-making that most directly impacts people. I also wrote stories on a wide variety of other topics including Indigenous affairs, arts and social issues.
I got into journalism because I’m a naturally curious person. After graduating from Carleton University, that curiosity led me first to Accra, Ghana, where I interned with Farm Radio International and later to Madrid, Spain, where I spent two years teaching English. I’m still passionate about education and jump at the opportunity to cover anything involving learning, kids or school.
I grew up in Huntsville and am happy to have the opportunity to be closer to home after a few years of bouncing around. I'm also especially excited to explore a vibrant region like Wellington County. I’ve found working in a newsroom is just about the best way to get to know a place quickly, and I’m looking forward to meeting lots of new people as I learn about the area.
Outside of work, I’m on the hunt for the best spots in the county to swim, to eat and somewhere to do pottery.