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Free fashion for youth now at the Grove Hubs

The Wellington County youth hubs now offer a thrift store style program at no cost
Abby Graham at the Fergus Grove Hub's 'shop' where local youth are able to take clothes with no questions asked.

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The local youth hubs are now offering a judgment-free place for young people to get a new outfit for those who could use one.

The Grove Hubs in Wellington County now feature the Grove Shop, where any youth can come and donate or take clothing should they need to with no questions asked. 

Abby Graham, Fergus youth ambassador who came up with the shop idea, said she noticed some local youth were coming into the hub wearing the same clothes every day.

She took inspiration from a similar program at Centre Wellington District High School and suggested it come to the Grove. Her goal was to destigmatize youth needing clothing by making the shop a bit more fun and to make an impact on sustainability. 

“I wanted this to be something where kids come and find pieces that are actually good quality and something they like,” Graham said. “We work with preteens and teens and often clothes are a big part of their identity. I wanted them to be able to feel comfortable grabbing stuff, and stuff they actually enjoy.” 

Matteo Schwartzentruber, Fergus hub manager, described this as another youth-led initiative that is in line with what the Grove Hubs are looking to achieve with local young people. 

“It’s not just about counselling, it’s not just about intensive support for mental health, it’s about how well a young person is,” Schwartzentruber said, adding how having access to good clothing can play a role in well-being. “It means a different thing when you give somebody a ripped shirt versus one that’s, you know, that they would wear and want to have.”

So far, the Fergus, Erin and Palmerston each have their own shop but Schwartzentruber said they would look to expand to the current and future Guelph locations. 

Graham said donations can be dropped off every Monday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Grove Hub. 

She suggested bringing in clothing that’s appropriate for youth aged 12 to 26 that isn’t ripped, stained, damaged or worn. They’re also looking for a variety of styles and sizes. 

Anyone with questions about the Grove Shop are encouraged to reach out by email at [email protected]


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