ERIN – Council approved the bid of $162,872.94 from WSP Canada Inc. to make a model for its water infrastructure project.
Nick Colucci, director of Infrastructure Services, presented a report for the award of a contract to provide engineering services for the development and calibration of a water distribution system model for the Town of Erin.
The town received two separate bids from two different companies: one from WSP Canada Inc. and the other from Triton Engineering Services.
Each RFP submission was analyzed by the town's consultant, Ainley & Associates Limited and staff based on the following criteria: project understanding which consisted of 10 marks; corporate qualifications and experience of proponent and sub-consultants which is 15 marks; experience of key personnel assigned to the project, which is 25 marks; 15 marks for project management and methodology; 15 marks for work plan and project schedule; and 20 marks for price submission.
WSP scored 81.34 out of 100, and Triton scored 70.56. Each RFP submission was analyzed by Ainley & Associates Limited and town staff.
WSP Canada Inc. won the bid and was awarded the contract as their bid was significantly higher than the one Triton submitted. They bid $162,872 and Triton bid 99,087.50.
“I must admit, when I first saw the difference in money, I was concerned,” said Mayor Allan Alls. “When you read the report, you see Triton wasn’t offering all the services that WSP was offering.”
The Town needs to develop a calibrated water model for the municipal water systems to identify existing issues and deficiencies within the existing water systems along with identifying infrastructure upgrades that will be necessary in the future.
The amount of $162,872.94 is included in the 2021 and 2022 capital budgets. The funding will come from development charges and water reserves.