Elora Community Theatre and the Breadalbane Inn are pleased to present Murder at Mapleshade, Directed by Cathy Goudie
Peformance dates: March 28 and 29
Dinner and show at the Breadalbane Inn, Fergus
Date and time:
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 1, 3 to 5 p.m.
Where: 227 St. Andrew St. W., Fergus (2nd floor above I Love Chocolate, enter from rear of building).
Open auditions, cold read from the script and some improv, no appointments or preparation required. Rehearsals will require actors to have lines prepared in advance due to time restraints. You will also need to stay in character while talking to patrons. Parts are similar to a longish one-act play. Rehearsals will likely be Wednesdays and one time on the weekend TBD.
Characters needed:
Dr. Norman Kyle (30s or 40s male) is a successful surgeon, running his practise out of his home at Mapleshade.
Will Thomson (20s to 40s male) is a third-generation carpenter and proprietor of John Thomson and Son furniture and funerals.
Annie (Black) Templin (50s to 70s female) is the wife of John Templin, editor of the Fergus News Record, and a local busybody.
Sam Fardella (20s to 40s male) is the proprietor of the BRAND-NEW Grand Theatre.
Jane Fergusson (20s to 30s female) is the granddaughter of George Fergusson, the original owner of Mapleshade, and great-granddaughter of town founder Adam Fergusson.
Arthur Beatty (30s to 50s male) is a fictional third brother of William and Milton Beatty (the second generation of the Beatty Brothers).
Inspector Lavan (any age and gender) is the detective on the case, in the mould of the great theatrical and literary sleuths. A classic gumshoe.
Note: this show requires a lot of improvisation - in character. Lines need to be learned in a short time and be close to "dead letter perfect".
We require a Props person to handle a small number of props and items during rehearsals and the two shows in March.
Contact Deb Stanson for more information: [email protected]