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Drainage, loss of trees raised as issues for Fergus infill development

Wrighthaven Homes owner said they will work with the township to address the drainage issue and will be planting new trees to compensate for any cut down
Site plan for 73 and 79 Sideroad 19.

FERGUS – Centre Wellington council and the attending public were mostly supportive of a proposed Fergus infill development but some concerns were raised about existing drainage issues getting worse and the loss of trees. 

A public meeting was held Wednesday evening for a Wrighthaven Homes development proposal that would see two lots at 73 and 79 Sideroad 19 in Fergus have 21 new homes built. 

Steven Wright, owner and president of Wrighthaven Homes, explained in a presentation this would be made up of eight semi-detached units, 12 townhome units, one new single fronting Sideroad 19 and an existing single home would be kept. 

The home at 79 Sideroad 19 would be demolished for this development. 

The proposal includes a stormwater management pond, visitor parking spaces and a common amenity area. 

Wright said at the meeting he’s not looking for home buyers who are looking to cash in as investors. 

“We try to vet our customers as much as possible, it doesn’t always work but we do,” Wright said. “We want to create housing units people are going to live in and stay in.”

Delegate Robert Beer, whose property abuts an environmentally sensitive area in this proposal, said he has no problem with the infill development concept and thought it was suitable for the area. 

His issue was with water drainage which he pointed out is a big problem in the area and doesn’t appear to be functioning as intended with existing development. 

“I would like to see the run off addressed before major construction,” Beer said.

Wright and engineering consultant Steve Conway said they are planning to work with the township to address local drainage issues once the final plan has been developed.

Coun. Lisa MacDonald wanted to know about the tree preservation plan, questioning if a loss of trees would contribute to the drainage problem because “trees soak up a lot of water.”

Wright said he takes pride in trying to preserve trees when possible but acknowledged there would be some older trees taken down. He said they plant two new trees for every one significant tree taken down. 

“Yes, the roots of the tree system that are there do absorb water but so will our new ones,” Wright said, admitting this was more of an opinion. “I expect tree growth will be quick, fast and replenishing the area before long.”

The rezoning application will be back before council for consideration at a later meeting.


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