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Co-operators raises $142,000 for Elora House

Elora House provides safe housing and 24/7 support for individuals who identify as women, and who are victims of sexual exploitation and human trafficking

Last week, Co-operators presented a cheque for $142,500 to Elora House after a day of golf at Glencairn Golf Club. Elora House provides safe housing and 24/7 support for individuals who identify as women, and who are victims of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

“We’re in awe of the work that Elora House does to support victims of human trafficking in our community. Our volunteer committee works tirelessly year after year to support local grass roots organizations where we can make a significant impact,” said Kristina Gilley, Chair of Co-operators Charity Golf Tournament volunteer committee. We’re so thankful to the many sponsors and golfers who came alongside us this year to make this contribution possible.”

“We are so grateful to have been chosen as the beneficiary of The Co-operators Golf Tournament committee,” said Luisa Krause, Executive Director of Elora House. “The generous support received from Co-operators will help girls and women that have exited sex trafficking learn to rest, rebuild their lives, and restart their healing journey to a healthier version of themselves. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the sponsors and dedication of the committee at Co-operators to make a difference.”

Did you know:

  • Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada.
  • The average age of recruitment into sex trafficking is 13 years old.
  • Last year alone, Victim Services Centre Wellington (based in Guelph) supported over 30 victims from their area, and those are only the ones who were able to seek help.
  • According to the RCMP, over 96% of identified Canadian human traffkicking cases since 2005, were domestic.
  • Between 2009 and 2018, 70% of cases in Canada were reported in Ontario
  • Ontario has been identified as a major hub for sex trafficking. It is estimated that 60% of trafficked individuals in Canada, are travelling along the 400 series highways.
  • Traffickers use the internet to recruit children and youth through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, WhatsApp, and Tinder.

Anyone with questions or wanting to support Elora House can connect with Elora House directly by emailing [email protected]. Anyone requiring any immediate support is encouraged to call the confidential, 24/7 Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010. The more we know and understand about this growing crime, the stronger we are at identifying it happening around us. Be aware, recognize the signs.



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