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Artist brings her doodling skills to Elora (6 photos)

Ellen Piazza recently kicked off her project, 20 doodles of Elora to learn about the neighbouring community through art

After her doodles ended up framed in businesses, in people’s homes and even on a bus stop in Downtown Guelph, Ellen Piazza is bringing her talent to Elora. 

The newcomer to Guelph gained much recognition in Guelph early this year when she kicked off 100 doodles of Guelph, an art project where she sketched places that make Guelph special such as landmarks like Exhibition Park, the Begging Bear and businesses such as Red Brick Café. 

Piazza later gifted each featured business a hard copy. 

As she continued to draw, people around Guelph began suggesting places to doodle and she even began selling prints for purchase on her website. 

“It was received really well. People seem to really like them (doodles) and I shared a lot of stories about the places I was doodling,” said Piazza. 

“I decided to start an Elora series so that I can explore Elora since it started opening up a little bit.”

Piazza already drew nine doodles in Elora through her 20 doodle of Elora project where she aims to capture 20 places that make Elora special. Photos can be seen on her Instagram page and website

So far, she drew the Elora Water Tower, Elora Cafe, Elora Public Library, Elora Brewing Company, Drimmie Florist, the steps down to Elora Gorge, Cordial Clove Books, Studio Kampina and even a Shopper’s Drug Mart. 

For each doodle, Piazza sketches the image on a piece of paper, transfers it to an iPad and then digitally draws the rest. 

Despite completing the 100 doodles of Guelph project, she hasn’t stopped drawing places in Guelph. 

“I've been drawing beyond 100 but I haven't been labelling them with numbers just because I don't know if I'll ever stop,” said Piazza. 

She said many people who moved away from Guelph reached out to her on social media saying her doodles bring back many memories. 

“Many people who have purchased prints, whenever they purchase them they say, ‘Oh, I'm buying this because my husband and I went to our first date here and we come back here every year on our anniversary,’ or little stories like that,” said Piazza. 

“It makes me feel really happy that I can connect their memories to them in that way and that I can bring a little bit of joy to their life.”

Through doodling Elora, Piazza said she hopes to get to know the neighbouring community better. 

“It's just a different look and a different feel, but I hope that those differences are captured and enhanced in my doodles,” said Piazza.

She said making it to the bus stop in Guelph made her particularly proud. 

“It makes me smile every time,” said Piazza.


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