CENTRE WELLINGTON – The number of bylaw complaints in Centre Wellington hit a new high last year, according to a report.
A report going to Centre Wellington council said staff responded to 402 bylaw complaints in 2024, a 13 per cent increase over 2023 which saw 356 complaints.
A breakdown of complaints included showed clean yards was by far the most common complaint with 109 last year, followed by animal control with 47, building code with 45 and property standards with 42.
Stats do not include tickets issued through the downtown parking enforcement program which is administered through a third party.
“Our enforcement practices and philosophy of prioritizing education and compliance have resulted in a compliance rate of over 98 per cent,” the report said.
Last year also saw a second full-time bylaw officer hired to assist with the increased workload and developing the new countywide noise bylaw, complete the first phase of a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Standards Operating Procedures document, collaborating to develop an Administrative Monetary Penalty System bylaw and a short term rental bylaw.
The full report can be found here.